Blog Archive

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Less than a Month Left!

I can't believe all this time has gone by so quickly! I wish I had blogged more. :P Both the wedding showers were fantastic!! It was so nice to see so much family and Anthony and I got so many wonderful things for the new apartment! We've been moving it all in... I can't wait til after the wedding when I get to live there too! We only have two drawers in the entire apartment though, so that makes organizing the kitchen interesting.... All my aunts did fantastic jobs putting the showers together. I have about a million "thank yous" still to write... I'm getting through them, but it's taking a while. A big "SORRY! :(" to everyone who hasn't gotten their thank you yet! Here's one of my favorite pictures from the shower - me & Anthony with my Co-MOHs and Bridesmaids!
I've been wanting to post pictures of completed invites, but they're trapped on my mom's camera and her sd card doesnt agree with my laptop for some reason. I'll get them up here eventually! I got the pictures! :) Here are my invites... I LOVE them so much!

You can't see it so well in the picture, but I'm especially proud of the RSVP - we typed up the names of the invited guests with check boxes next to them, so guests can just check off who's attending. We also had a box to check if no one could come. I love it because we haven't had anyone try to add someone who isn't invited and whoever knows what to do with the traditional M________ anyway? I <3 my invites. :)

Let's see, what else has gotten done this month.... well, Anthony & I met with Father Tony at the church to discuss our ceremony. We have all the readings picked out and we're very excited! He reassured us that he'd tell us exactly what to do on the day and that he "hasn't lost a bride and groom yet" :D He also really liked the readings we chose, so we felt good about that. He's going to call Anthony "Tony" and "Anthony" during the ceremony, so hopefully no one gets confused by all Anthony's names, lol.

I made the aisle runner this month too! For anyone who didn't see the picture on facebook, here's a cell phone picture of it:
I don't think I got a picture with a real camera before my mom & Tara rolled it back up for me. This was probably the easiest wedding project I did... took maybe a couple hours, at most. The hardest part was unrolling about 80 feet so I could get to the part I wanted to paint, and then rolling the whole thing back up! Hopefully it all lines up correctly on the day, but if it doesn't, I don't mind all that much.... more important things to think about at that point! :D

Now that I think about it, my garters probably took even less time than the aisle runner. I completed them a while ago, but I'm not sure I'm 100% happy with them... they're a lot wider than garters I see everywhere else... I like them though! One is ACU (army digital camo) and the other is made of the same fabric as the invites. I'll try to post pictures soon! (I say that all too often, and then the pictures never make it! We'll see. :P)

Oh, I also designed our menu cards!! We're going to have cootie catchers, like these, made by emma5w on weddingbee:
They have trivia questions about us and our menu in the middle! I've been working on the design and I'm pretty happy with it. Evidently it's a pretty popular thing lately... even Martha Stewart has a version! I think it'll be something that most of our guests won't have seen before though, so I'm excited. Plus Anthony always said that his parents taught him that girls have cooties. :P

I have more to write (especially about centerpieces!!), but I'm done for now. Hopefully I'll post again soon! We have a meeting with the reception venue tomorrow, so I'll take pictures. :) <3

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